
Sophie Lavaud

Artist and theoretician in visual and digital arts

French, English

Sophie Lavaud holds a PhD in Arts and Art Sciences from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, and is recognized as a pioneer in the exploration of digital techniques in art: 2D and 3D computer-generated images, virtual and augmented reality technologies, interactivity, net-art, NFT, artificial intelligence and life.

Through her "Dynamic System Charts", inspired by Tai Chi Chuan, she guides us towards

active meditation, enabling a sensory emotional experience in symbiosis with energy

of a living, systemic nature thanks to man-machine interfaces.

His work has been presented at national and international events and festivals:

Center des Arts (Enghien les Bains), Futur en Seine (Le Centquatre, Paris), FIAC (Paris), @rt-outsiders (Paris), Isea (Singapore, Paris), Cyberfest, The State Hermitage Museum, (Saint-Petersburg, Russia), Interactive Arts Exhibit ACM Multimedia 2011, (Scottsdale, Arizona, U.S.A), Residency Unlimited ( Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A) etc.

His work has been the subject of awards (Quatrième édition des Voeux de l'Internet 2007 in the Art category, Concours d'aide à la création multimédia organized by Noos in May 2001 at the FIAC in Paris, Concours ACM Siggraph France, in the Schools and Universities category in 1994) and residencies (2004: Artist in residence at Atelier Art 3000/Le Cube, Issy-les-Moulineaux. 2002-2003: Artist in residence at La Villa Media, Grenoble).

Alongside her activities as an artist, she is also a researcher: she has been associated with the Institut ACTE/CNRS de Paris 1 in the Arts et Sciences team, and is a member of the Esars (Esthétique, Arts, Sciences) research group headed by Zoï Kapoula, Director of Research in Cognitive Neuroscience (CNRS).

As a researcher, she has published numerous articles in international journals and Arts/Sciences magazines.

She is a regular guest speaker at conferences in France and abroad.

She has also taught digital art theory and practice at the French University.