Wednesday 29 January 2020 - 7.30 pm

  "Pierre Soulages, the Painter of Black and Light "

Conference by
Marie-Isabelle Taddei


Carré Sur Seine




Marie-Isabelle Taddei

Wednesday 29 January 2020 - 7.30 pm


"Pierre Soulages, the Painter of Black and Light"

by Marie-Isabelle Taddeï


Carré Sur Seine




Marie-Isabelle Taddei


Rendezvous on Wednesday, January 29, 2020 - from 7:30 pm for the conference "Pierre Soulages, the Painter of Black and Light".
When we look at Polyptique F we understand why Pierre Soulages has been nicknamed "the painter of black". And yet are these four superimposed elements really black? If this were the case, we shouldn't be able to distinguish them from each other, in painting, black absorbs all colours and all light, so we say that it is not a colour, but an absence of light. To look at black is to see nothing! This 1986 painting should therefore look like the darkest of tunnels. And yet it is clearly visible! How did he do it?

Reserve your place!

Who is Marie-Isabelle Taddei?

Marie-Isabelle Taddeï was born in 1964. After a sabbatical year in London, she began studying law as a dilettante in Paris V. At the same time, she collaborates with the magazine Maintenant. She then multiplies her professional activities by 4 years, an Art Gallery, a restaurant, and a hotel.... She is co-author of the program D'Art D'Art broadcast on France 2 from 2002 to 2018. In 2013 with the photographer Camille de Ginestel she publishes a series of interviews entitled D'Art et de Couture in the magazine Flair. In 2014 she inaugurates a series of conferences on contemporary art retrospectives presented in the main European museums. In 2015 she collaborates to the issue of the Cahiers Européens de l'Imaginaire devoted to Baroque, published by the CNRS. In 2018 she resumes her curatorial activity in partnership with Parisian and Catalan art galleries. Since December 2018 she has been the programming director of Au Coeur de l'Expo, produced by Europe 1, exhibition visits led by Frédéric Taddeï live at the cinema in the CGR theatres. And since 2008 she has published the 4 volumes of the Collection D'Art D'Art, as well as 2 versions for children, all co-written with her brother Frédéric Taddeï.

Practical info

Conference "Pierre Soulages, Painter of Black and Light" by Marie-Isabelle Taddeï

Wednesday, January 29th, 2020 - 7:30 pm
7:30 pm: Welcome with a cocktail reception
20h-21h: Conference
9pm: Discussions over a drink

Participation in the costs: 10 euros // Limited number of places > Reserve your place

Free for members of CARRÉ SUR SEINE // Reservation required by email: // Adhere to CARRÉ SUR SEINE

Conference Venue :

Exit Contemporary Art Gallery // 2 place Denfert-Rochereau - 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt // 06 80 45 23 01
Metro: Jean Jaurès (line 10) // Bus 52: Denfert-Rochereau stop // Bus 72: Victor Hugo stop // Velib station: place Denfert-Rochereau

Some works